Artist Detail

Lauren Reveri

Type of Work: ceramics, sanded grout, plywood, acrylic paints

Contact Information



I am new to Winston Salem. I moved here from Gainesville, Florida in June and I’m looking for an art community to join, share with and learn from.

I am a self-taught mosaicist. I began making my art about 12 years ago. My mosaics are made from broken ceramic and glass pieces chosen for their color, texture and shape. The random shapes allow each work dimension and character. I am drawn to imperfection. Mosaic art, recombining broken pieces to make a new whole follows the course of life. The longer the life, the more reconfiguring to make whole again, to find joy again, to engage fully in life again. My work has taught me patience, to look a little more closely and to put my trust in the focus of the moment.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery