Artist Detail

R. Franklin Zinckh

Type of Work: Abstract Mixed/Media Painting

Contact Information



The goal of my artwork is to create within the viewer, some sense of joy,excitement, or well-being as a compelling and memorable visual experience. My emphasis is on the brighter colors sometimes employing the darker ones as an adjunct for maximum contrast. In choosing a direction for exploration, my intention is to utilize many forms of variation to the greatest level of my capability; for this reason, my artwork doesn't adhere to a particular style with which I may be identified. In a general way of speaking, I strive to create the most articulate material version of what my imagination is offering, and so for me, as much emphasis is placed on adding creative cognitive material (on which to build an artistic concept) , as on the skills and methods needed to deliver those images to a substrate. In my approach therefore, there is no adequate substitute for experimentation, and only secondary reliance on conventional, proven, or accustomed methods or techniques. What I have in common with other artists is the paintings reflection of life experiences and their interpretations, albeit in ways difficult to decipher without some knowledge of ones personal history.

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Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery