Artist Detail

Jason Williams

Business Name: Zendustria
Type of Work: Watercolor

Contact Information






There has never been a time when Jason wasn't creating or exposed to visual art. It was always there around him, cluttered in every corner of the homes of his childhood. It was simply what one did where he came from. We can thank this environment for his prolific amount of art, and his ability to create at a moment’s notice. By middle school, he had already garnered regional recognition as a promising young artist, selling a sculpture for $1500 while attending Ligon Middle School in the "Pieces of Gold" fundraiser auction.

All who have known him have known that he is an artist. He’s one of those guys that you can just look at and tell he’s spent days forgetting to eat or sleep, covered in paint or plaster, trying to produce an accurate manifestation of an idea on paper, canvas, or in three dimensions. He looks to the world around him for inspiration, and Jason finds nothing more inspiring than nature, and this is reflected in his art. He enjoys working with water color because he’s always trying to capture or imply movement, and water color flows onto the paper in a way compliments his composition and helps create this effect.

Jason’s newest endeavor has been the establishment of a one acre homestead and farm with his wife Dara, and two daughters, Zoe and Sophia. His ultimate goal is to establishment of a sustainable food bearing ecosystem. In his free time, he spends every possible moment he’s not painting (mostly) contentedly working in his garden.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery